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St Mary's is a delightful choice of venue for couples who are attracted to the light and bright ambience of this unique church. The magnificence of the church itself and its setting in attractive gardens lends a wonderful atmosphere to the wedding service, and we seek to do all we can to make your wedding service personal and very special.

Your wedding at St. Mary's

Your wedding at St. Mary's

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At the initial interview, we will discuss your wedding plans and you will have the opportunity to ask any further questions you may have. We will also talk about music, flowers, readings and prayers, photos and videos. You will need to complete the required paperwork at this time and so you will need to bring with you your birth certificate or international passport. If you are divorced you will also need to bring evidence of your divorce. We can book your wedding in at this initial meeting. You will be asked to pay a deposit of $100.

How many meetings will we need?

Three meetings allow us to cover everything well. At the first of these we will finalise the details of the wedding service and your requirements for flowers, decorations and music. At a second meeting, we spend time looking at the order of service for your wedding, and explaining the meaning of each part of the service so that when you say the words on the day you say them with deep understanding. The last meeting is the rehearsal, a few days before the wedding.


Next steps

If you would like to look more closely at what we have to offer for your wedding at St Mary’s, we would be delighted to meet with you – please contact  the Rector via clicking on this link or by telephoning 9367 1243.


What other preparation is there?

You may be invited to take part in a course of marriage education called Prepare. This is facilitated by a trained counsellor, who will lead you through the material and the outcomes that you discover. The cost of this course is free, a gift from our parish to each couple who marry at St Mary’s.


What about music?

St Mary’s is a live music venue. We have a Rodgers digital pipe organ and a piano. We can engage an organist or pianist and other musicians if desired. Our music staff are happy to assist in choosing music. The parish choir comprises professional musicians, and can be engaged by arrangement.


How much does it cost?

We have a fee of $850 which covers all costs except that of the music. Large silk flower arrangements are in place in the church, and are provided for you at no cost. If fresh flowers are desired, you will need to make your own arrangements for them to be installed in the church. We would b e delighted if you would leave at least one arrangement in the church to remind us of your wedding on the following Sunday.


Can we have our own minister?

As an Anglican church, our ceremonies need to be conducted by a priest licensed in the Anglican Diocese of Perth. We are happy to work with ministers of other denominations and have them offer prayers or blessings.


Can we have our reception at the church?

Yes you can. There is a spacious hall attached to the church which can hold 80 for a banquet or 135 people for a cocktail party. It is a dividable space and has kitchen facilities attached.  We can suggest local caterers who are familiar with the site if required. You are free to choose your own decorations to complement the venue and your colour scheme. This facility is available only to those being married at St Mary's.


9 Ridge Street, South Perth, 

Western Australia 6151


+61 (08) 9367 1243

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