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We believe that the church is a family, and like any healthy family will have people of all ages as part of its life. Children, like adults, are the church of today, and, like adults, deserve to be included, respected and given an authentic place in which to thrive. Through our ministry with children and families, we seek to support parents in their efforts to keep the commitments they made when their children were baptised; namely, to bring up their children in the life and faith of the church community. We have a variety of events and activities for children and youth of all ages.



Family Movie Nights

Three to four times a year we show a family-friendly movie in the hall. Bean bags are available for children. Admission is  free, and a retiring collection (of money or goods) may be taken in aid of one of the organisations the parish supports. Invite a friend, bring the family, and we'll provide free pop corn and ice cream. Check our What's On page for details of the next movie.


9 Ridge Street, South Perth, 

Western Australia 6151


+61 (08) 9367 1243

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© 2021 The Anglican Parish of South Perth

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